A common theme in this course has been the discussion of different contaminants and how they enter and persist in natural systems. Identifying the levels at which these contaminants are entering the food web and their method of transport are crucial to assessing their risk. As we discussed this topic in class I was reminded of a paper I read during my Freshwater Ecosystems course and am very glad I went back and re-read it. Published in Ecological Applications, the authors Walters et. al demonstrated how PCB's are transported from aquatic systems into terrestrial food webs through the capture and consumption of aquatic insects by Spiders and Herps. I thought this particularly appropriate for our classes interests. One of the largest challenges in a study like this is to determine where the selected predators are obtaining most of their food from. To do this, the authors used a stable isotope analysis to identify the...
We are a collective of individuals at the University of Georgia writing about how the environment influences development and life history variation.